Biggest Planet in our Solar system

Which planet is the biggest? -

Jupiter is the biggest and is truly giant. It is large enough for 11 Earths to fit across its face and 1,300 to fit inside it. There are four giant planets in our Solar System. The next biggest is Saturn, followed by Uranus, and Neptune. They are also known as "gas giants" because of their colourful, ice-cold gas atmosphere.

Do you know?

Jupiter is name after the king of the Roman gods and ruler of the heavens. 

4 Facts about Neptune -

1. Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea.

2. It's the fourth largest of the gas giants.

3. Neptune is about 30 times further from the Sun than Earth.

4. The coldest giant, -200°C (-320°F) at its cloud tops, and has the fastest winds of any planet, reaching speeds up to 2,160 kph (1,340 mph) near its equator. 

4 Facts about Uranus - 

1. Uranus is named after the father of the Roman god Saturn.

2. Uranus become the seventh planet, in the Solar System, and the first to be discovered by telescope when it was unexpectedly spotted by astronomer William Herschel on 13 March 1781. 

3. Uranus rolls around its orbit on its side. The planet is tilted over by 98 degrees, possibly as a result of a collision with a large asteroid when it was young.

4. Like the other three gas giants, Uranus's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen. It also contains methane, which absorbs red light and makes the planet blue.

3 Facts about Saturn -

1. Saturn is named after the father of the Roman god Saturn.

2. The first to see Saturn's rings was Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610. He though they were handle-like ears fixed to the sides of the planet.

3. None of the gas giants are perfect spheres. They are all oblate (squashed balls). Saturn's diameter is almost one-tenth bigger at its equator than as its poles.   

